A piece of us...

This little babe is the owner of a big piece of my heart. She is my daughter, Chloe Grace.

As a working mother like many, I am always endeavouring to work hard to provide all I can for my loved ones, including doing all I can to make home the most comfortable, warm & loving environment to always return to.

It is also so important to me to teach my children why hard work, commitment & passion for what makes your heart full is so important in our lives.
Helping create strong & independent little women is close to my heart.

So, when it came to giving a name to our collection of Home & Giftware, I hoped to encapsulate something beautiful that reminds me of home & shares apart of me.

This is where my beautiful baby girl inspired me, and I couldn’t go past naming this passion after her, so became Chloe Grace Collection. 

Our collection is intended to bring a welcoming warmth upon browsing through our space & make you feel right at home.

With hand crafted furnishings, a range of textures & earthy tones, we hope you too can envisage our collection in your home & enjoy our pieces with your loved ones also.

From my family to yours, we hope you enjoy & we see you all soon xx